Sunday, August 28, 2016

Did I Miss Anything?

Wow, I haven't posted on this thing in over a year. Fail.
For one thing, I've been too busy, but for another, despite the fact I now am a Certified Veterinary Technician (license and everything!), and am working at an awesome clinic, I can't really figure out how to share stories from that on a blog without the possibility of some client randomly finding it, recognizing themselves, and getting mad.
People like getting mad, let me tell you.

So yes, I have amazing stories to share, and yes, I'm keeping track of them, and yes, I'm going to keep contemplating this dilemma, because I know a lot of you really want to hear my stories. But if I can't figure out a way to do it appropriately right now, you might have to just wait twenty years or so until the statute of limitations I just made up ends. Okay? Sorry about that.

Unless somebody wants to get me a publishing gig under a pseudonym?

Here's a teaser for you: HBC (hit by car) came in this week and I ended up looking like a serial killer. Don't worry, the patient is fine. My scrub top, however, is not. 


  1. good wardrobe planning on the matching earrings. :)

  2. I vote for an anonymous tumbler. Or blog thing. Full of pseudonyms, and written like a film noir mystery.

    "So this Cat walked into my office today, and let me tell you, she was a looker."
    "Tall? Blond?"
    "No, short and calico."
