Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wedding woes and wishes

As pretty much all of you know, I'm currently engaged in wedding planning. Pun intended.
It's kind of lame; I have to make all these decisions about things I care less than nothing about (like, the colour of table-cloths, or what shoes my bridesmaids wear), and money magically disappears into black holes labeled "Miscellaneous".
There are all these hidden costs to getting married. At the beginning you don't think about the fact you'll have to spend $120 on postage for invitations, or hundreds of dollars on disposable silverware, cups, plates, and little coffee stirrers for the reception.
Absolutely necessary to get married.

Luckily, in the spirit of Being Prepared for Everything, I'd already been saving up money on the side for months in case Garrett and I decided to get married. Worst case scenario? I'd have an extra $600 to put towards paying off my car, going to visit friends in other countries, or buying a freaking lot of shoes.

Any shoes.

So really, there was no negative to saving up the money. And yes, it's gone now. One must buy all sorts of things like presents for people helping out, gas for errands, peacock-themed guestbook for events, etc. My parents, Garrett's parents, and various grandparents are forking over the vast majority of money for this little party, for which we are very thankful, but geeeeze. 

The thing is, some people dream about getting married all their lives until the actual event. Those people are not me.
I basically care about ponies. I dream about having a pony. I do not dream about having a wedding. Occasionally in my youth I thought it might be appealing to have a husband. But I did not think it was appealing to have a wedding. I am proven correct. The day of the party will probably be okay, as the planning will be done and I'll pretty much be along for the ride at that point, and free to wander around and hug people and eat food and dance. But until that point, I have to plan, and it's super annoying and not pleasurable at all.
People keep telling me it's an exciting time and I should enjoy it. And my inner response is "...about as exciting as getting a filling."
Sorry, but nope; wedding planning is a bore and inconvenient. I'll be glad for it to be done, and I can move on with actually being married, because I am looking forward to that. 

I think I'll keep him. 

'Cause this dude is seriously awesome. He does fabulous things like making me tea and helping me clean things and kissing me. He is one of those rare individuals that is willing to admit faults and take responsibility for things. Also he has a ponytail, so I can't let him get away.

I'm embarrassing myself now, so I'm going to go do something else productive. I thought I should probably update the blog, though, so here you go.

We are very happy together.