Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Inspired by the season

"My," said Daniel. "You are so large. Wow."

"I know," said Thomas. "I will be the largest turkey, sure enough."

"You will make an excellent Thanksgiving dinner," marveled Daniel. "What stuffing are you hoping for?"

"Sage," said Thomas, without pause to consider. "It is such a strong, full herb."

"Not like 'thyme,'" said Daniel, unconsciously turning up his bill a tad. "'Thyme is for little, skinny, stressed birds."

"Like wild turkey."

"Yes, like wild turkey."

The two sat in ruffled composure for a moment, cere and nail wrinkled at the thought of a thyme-stuffed wild turkey.

"They will definitely be thankful for you," said Daniel.

"They better be," said Thomas.