Saturday, July 21, 2012

Japan, take 2

Welp, I am heading back to Japan this Thursday morning. Our entire team (minus Anna, who's flying from Germany) will meet in Atlanta, then fly to Tokyo. Blessing of blessings, we won't have to endure the interminable 6-7 hour drive from Tokyo/Narita to Yamomoto-cho at 55 mph in the dead of night with jetlag. Instead, we're flying from Tokyo to Sendai. Then the drive a half hour or so to the Nozomi center where we'll be staying.

A co-worker today asked me if I've started packing yet. I told her I'm more of a "start packing at midnight before the flight early the next morning" type of person. I have bought some things I'll need, though. I usually kind of end up picking a corner of my room, then for about a week ahead of time garnering articles of clothing, sunscreen, and the like into it--ready for the midnight-Wednesday packing. Actually, last year I started packing around 10pm, but then realized my flight out of Newark had probably been cancelled thanks to hurricane Irene, and spent an hour and a half figuring that out before I started packing again (only one airline thought it was cancelled--the other was under the impression it was not). Luckily, God decided he wanted me in Japan and arranged it so I managed to snag the VERY LAST SEAT on the plane from San Francisco to Tokyo. And two hours later than my original flight. This meant I got a whole four hours of sleep in that night before driving to Pittsburgh.

Well, I should probably go find something Japan-related and productive to do. Updates will continue.

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